On January 11th, 2018, both Susan Kempter and Laurie Lopez were recognized by the New Mexico chapter of the American String Teachers Association. Susan was awarded the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award for her accomplishments in the local, national, and international string community, and Laurie was award the Hats Off! award for her administrative work in the UNM string Lab School.

Brava, ladies!

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Hearing Heat: An Anthropocene Acoustemology

Hearing Heat: An Anthropocene Acoustemology

Bruno Latour argues that even if poisoned, the anthropocene is a deep gift to human research, inciting new approaches to environmental responsibility. Taking up Latour’s challenge through acoustemology, the study of sound as a way of knowing, this talk engages histories of hearing heat that affectively entangle cicadas and humans in Papua New Guinea, Japan, and Greece.

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