Stories from the HeART of Music in New Mexico
The latest from the Department of Music Music Newsletter Summer 2024Music Newsletter Winter 2024Dr. Beth Ratay awarded Discovery Grant from OPERA America’s Opera Grants for Women Composers program
Dr. Beth Ratay, a faculty member at The University of New Mexico, has been awarded a Discovery Grant from OPERA America’s Opera Grants for Women Composers program. This prestigious grant, totaling $100,000 across eight recipients, supports the development of new opera...
Marchiando and Stojanovska to present “Soundscapes of Her,” music for trumpet and piano on KHFM, 95.5 FM “10 at 10” Series with Brent Stevens
Marchiando and Stojanovska to present “Soundscapes of Her,” music for trumpet and piano on KHFM, 95.5 FM “10 at 10” Series with Brent Stevens UNM Associate Professor of Trumpet, Dr. John Marchiando, and pianist Dr. Natasha Stojanovska will perform and chat about music...
Dr. Hurtado is the recipient of the 2024 “Mexicanos Distinguidos Award”
Dr. Hurtado is the recipient of the 2024 “Mexicanos Distinguidos Award” Every year, the Mexican Government, through the Foreign Ministry of Mexico, selects a handful of nationals from all over the world to receive the Distinguished Mexicans Award, which is given to...
Professor of Musicology and Ethnomusicology Dr. Ana Alonso-Minutti Distinguished Speaker at Prestigious Cátedra Jesús C. Romero
Professor of Musicology and Ethnomusicology Dr. Ana Alonso-Minutti Distinguished Speaker at Prestigious Cátedra Jesús C. Romero January 30, 20205 | By Melissa Ríos, UNM Musicology Graduate Student.From January 13–17, Dr. Ana R. Alonso-Minutti, associate professor of...
Music Professor Ana Alonso-Minutti Wins Prestigious Publication Award
Music Professor Ana Alonso-Minutti Wins Prestigious Publication Award Associate Professor of Musicology, Ana Alonso-Minutti, has been awarded the prestigious Robert M. Stevenson Award by the American Musicological Society (AMS) for her book “Mario Lavista: Mirrors of...
New scholarship for UNM Music, The Franklin Garber Endowed Scholarship in Music
UNM Assistant Professor of Cello, Christoph Wagner and freshman Sofia Martin, who received the first award from the new Franklin Garber Endowed Scholarship in Music.UNM Department of Music Students, Faculty & Alumni sweep cast of Opera Southwest Production of Carmen...
Fulbright Scholar in Residence comes to UNM from Sardinia
Fulbright Scholar in Residence comes to UNM from SardiniaSardinian ethnomusicologist Diego Pani will be a Fulbright Scholar in Residence for the next 10 months at The University of New Mexico. He and his wife will be hosted by UNM Associate Professor of...
UNM graduate student premieres musical composition at New York festival
UNM Department of Music Students, Faculty & Alumni sweep cast of Opera Southwest Production of Carmen in SpanishThanks to the Student Enrichment Grant, Carlos Arellano, a student in Theory and Composition at The University of New Mexico, recently participated in the...
Albuquerque native accepted into Santa Fe Opera apprentice program
Originally published in The Albuquerque Journal on June 24, 2024. By Kathaleen Roberts / Assistant Arts Editor. *Feature Image caption: From left-to-right: UNM Professor of Voice Olga Perez Flora, '24 UNM Alumnus Tzvi Bat Asherah, and UNM Professor of Voice &...
Colombian-born Sebastian Serrano-Ayala joins music department as visiting assistant professor
Sebastian Serrano-Ayala has joined The University of New Mexico Department of Music as a visiting assistant professor of Orchestral Studies for the 2024-25 academic year.