Summer Music Institute
Summer 2024The UNM artist string faculty are pleased to present the 2024 UNM Summer Music Institute for accomplished collegiate and high school musicians as well as young professional players. Saturday, June 8 through Saturday, June 15. Welcoming auditions from advanced string instrumentalists ages 15-25.
Our Mission
The primary mission of the UNM Summer Music Institute is to offer student musicians masterful teaching by UNM faculty and UNMSMI guest artists who are internationally recognized as both performers and teachers.
To Serve our community and region by presenting outstanding performances in string chamber music.
To Raise awareness of the excellence of the UNM string programs both locally and regionally.
To teach the importance of chamber music through master classes, chamber music instruction, chamber orchestra, concert participation, and concert attendance.
To offer the most advanced NM high school students a chance to work with UNM faculty and guest artists as coaches/mentors/collaborators.
To provide access to all UNMSMI events performances free of charge as a gift to our NM community.
To engage younger audiences and families through excellent and exciting performances by gifted young musicians.
To engage with the greater Albuquerque community through a unique partnership with the UNM Hospital and UNM Arts-in-Medicine program.
To share the excellence of our UNM string program with musicians from across the United States and abroad.
This exciting festival takes place on the beautiful University of New Mexico campus from June 8 to June 15 and provides participants with intense daily musical interaction and expert guidance from world-class faculty.
Participants will be immersed in daily chamber music rehearsals and coaching, daily instrumental masterclasses, a solo competition (featuring $2,500 in prizes) student and faculty recitals, outreach events, multiple performance opportunities, special topic lectures, and more!
Safe and comfortable housing available in campus dormitories at an affordable price.
Daily complimentary light breakfasts provided. On campus meal plan available for purchase.
UNMSMI musicians are generally between the ages of 15 and 25. Exceptions to this age range can be requested on a case-by-case basis. No student under the age of 15 can be housed in UNM dormitories.
Double bass intensive participants will have coaching in solo repertoire, orchestral excerpts, advanced bass techniques and will participate in bass chamber ensembles.
Tuition and Registration fees:
$300 tuition fee (*includes non-refundable $50 registration fee)
Additional cost for on-campus housing (approximately $45/night single occupancy)
Optional campus meal plans available. Price variable.
All fees are due upon notification of acceptance.
Some full tuition fellowships are available for students who are currently attending college music programs. Priority given to those traveling from the farthest distance to attend.
VIDEO RECORDED AUDITIONS: All applicants must submit an uploaded video link, 5 to 10 minutes of repertoire, including at least one movement from the solo works of J.S. Bach and the exposition of a concerto movement (memorization/ accompaniment not required) or concert piece. Audio links are not acceptable, audition must be in video format with good quality audio component.
Send a link to by April 1 (midnight).
There is no application fee. Please include the following information in the body of your email:
- your date of birth
- current institution of study and /or current private teacher
- current residence (state, country)
- recent chamber music repertoire studied/performed
Detailed Registration and Scholarship Information

UNMSMI 2024 Faculty
David Felberg, violin/viola
Janet Anthony, cello
Toby Vigneau, double bass
Event Schedule
June 8 – June 15: All events free and open to public
June 9 | 10:30 am | UNMSMI faculty performance at Chatter ABQ (912 3rd ST. NW)
June 11 | 7 pm | Solo Competition Finalist Recital, Robertson and Sons Violin Shop Recital Hall (3201 Carlisle Blvd NE)
June 13 | 12 pm | Chamber Music Performance at UNM Hospital
June 14 | 7 pm | Chamber Music Finale Concert, Keller Hall
June 15 | 7 pm | Chamber Orchestra Gala Performance, Keller Hall (reception to follow)