We cordially invite you to be our guest at an enthralling and diverse evening of Music, Drama and Dance. This collaborative program features both student and faculty from the departments of Music and Theatre & Dance. We will explore the sounds and sights of Flamenco, Musical Theatre, Symphonic Winds, Chorus, and Jazz in an evening of Artistic partnership and creative virtuosity.

This is a free ticketed event. Please contact Keller@unm.edu or call (505)277-2131.

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Sigma Project Sax Quartet

Sigma Project Sax Quartet

Music from the Americas presents Spanish Sigma Project Sax Quartet, one of the leading ensembles of the European Contemporary new music scene.
Formed by Andrés Gomis, Josetxo Silgero, Ángel Soria and Alberto Chaves.

2016 Composers’ Symposium: Indigenizing Art Music

2016 Composers’ Symposium: Indigenizing Art Music

The 45th Annual John Donald Robb Composers’ Symposium will take place March 28 – April 1, 2016. Indigenizing Art Music: Experiencing the sound of Native American influences in new music

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