On March 23rd and 24th, UNM Music Professors Kristina Jacobsen (Ethnomusicology; former President, Society for Ethnomusicology, Southwest Chapter) and David Bashwiner (Music Theory; outgoing President, Rocky Mountain Society for Music Theory) traveled with Musicology and Music Theory graduate students Regan Homeyer, Renata Yazzie and Matthew Stanley to present their original research at the regional Rocky Mountain Scholars’ Conference in Tucson, Arizona, hosted by the University of Arizona’s Department of Music. The very successful student papers given were:

Matthew Stanley (Music Theory), “Toward Metric Stability: The Interplay of Hemiola, Syncopation, and Meter in Brahms’ Violin Sonata No. 1 in G Major, Op. 78”
Regan Homeyer (Musicology), “Sounding the Nile: Hamza El Din as ‘Ethnographic Ear’”
Renata Yazzie (Musicology/Piano Performance), “Indigenizing Art Music: An Analysis of Connor Chee’s Navajo Vocables for Piano

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A Day in the Life of the Bosavi People

A Day in the Life of the Bosavi People

A 90 minute, 4K, 7.1 surround sound eco-rockumentary concert of a day in the life of the Bosavi people and their rainforest home in Papua New Guinea, directed and produced by Steven Feld and based on recordings and images from 1976-2018.



A Collaborative program featuring both student and faulty from the departments of Music and Theatre & Dance.

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