On January 11th, 2018, both Susan Kempter and Laurie Lopez were recognized by the New Mexico chapter of the American String Teachers Association. Susan was awarded the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award for her accomplishments in the local, national, and international string community, and Laurie was award the Hats Off! award for her administrative work in the UNM string Lab School.

Brava, ladies!

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A Day in the Life of the Bosavi People

A Day in the Life of the Bosavi People

A 90 minute, 4K, 7.1 surround sound eco-rockumentary concert of a day in the life of the Bosavi people and their rainforest home in Papua New Guinea, directed and produced by Steven Feld and based on recordings and images from 1976-2018.



A Collaborative program featuring both student and faulty from the departments of Music and Theatre & Dance.

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