A 90 minute, 4K, 7.1 surround sound eco-rockumentary concert of a day in the life of the Bosavi people and their rainforest home in Papua New Guinea, directed and produced by Steven Feld and based on recordings and images from 1976-2018. Produced in collaboration with Grateful Dead drummer Mickey Hart, and assembled with Skywalker Sound mixer Dennis Leonard, and filmmaker Jeremiah Richards. Q&A with filmmakers after the screening. Presented by the Society for Ethnomusicology., All ticket sales benefit the Bosavi Peoples Fund, advocating for social and environmental justice in one of the most remote parts of Papua New Guinea.

Albuquerque Museum of Natural History Dynatheatre, $10, 1:45p, Thursday November 15. Tickets available for purchase at the door. Please contact Regan Homeyer for additional details or questions: reganhomeyer@unm.edu.

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A Collaborative program featuring both student and faulty from the departments of Music and Theatre & Dance.

Cuncordu Sas Bator Colonnas perform at Outpost

Cuncordu Sas Bator Colonnas perform at Outpost

Sas Bator Colonnas is a multipart singing group from the Scano di Montiferro, a mountainous region in central Sardinia, Italy. Antioco Milia, Antonio Carboni, Stefano Desogos and Francesco Fodde started singing together in 2002, carrying on the vernacularmultipart singing practice, one of the most representative cultural forms of their village and their island, which is performed by four male singers and called cuncordu.

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