Sound creations for piano with extended techniques, electronics & multimedia

Presented by Carmen Morales

Thursday, April 12th, 2018
College of Fine Arts, Keller Hall
2:00 – 3:30pm


In the contemporary music scene of Spain female composers are shaping the experimental horizon of the country with sound creations and experimentations with traditional instruments. In this lecture-recital, the pianist and scholar Carmen Morales will address the role of female sound artists in the experimental music scene of her native Spain and will perform a series of compositions for piano, electronics and multimedia by Helga Arias, Raquel García-Tomás, Reyes Oteo, Hara Alonso, Sandra Lanuza, and Paloma Peñarrubia.

Pianist Carmen Morales Moreno was born in Spain in 1990. She studied piano performance at the Conservatory of Music in Málaga, and at the Stuttgart Musikhochschule with Nicolas Hodges. On 2017, she completed a Master’s degree in Music Research at the Universidad Internacional de la Rioja, receiving high honors with the project “Physical-Acoustic Dimensions of the Prepared Piano.” She is currently involved in two parallel projects: the Ibero-American Women Sound Creators with Susan Campos, and the Spanish Women Sound Creators. As a performer and researcher of contemporary music, and a feminist artist, Carmen directs all her musical endeavors to perform and promote the work of female contemporary sound artists and composers.

Questions? Contact Dr. Ana Alonso Minutti

This event counts for concert credit.

Sponsored by: The University of New Mexico Department of Music, The Latin American and iberian Institute, and La Fundación Educativa Mexicana de Nuevo México.

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