We cordially invite you to be our guest at an enthralling and diverse evening of Music, Drama and Dance. This collaborative program features both student and faculty from the departments of Music and Theatre & Dance. We will explore the sounds and sights of Flamenco, Musical Theatre, Symphonic Winds, Chorus, and Jazz in an evening of Artistic partnership and creative virtuosity.

This is a free ticketed event. Please contact Keller@unm.edu or call (505)277-2131.

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Music from the Americas presents “Scaling the Wall”

Music from the Americas presents “Scaling the Wall”

“Scaling the Wall” is a project that promotes works for flute by Canadian, American and Mexican ex-patriate composers.  It seeks to showcase how contemporary composers connected to those countries have successfully bridged the political, cultural and geographic borders crossing the western 100th meridian. Featured composers’ works vary in style, instrumentation and compositional approach, but also illustrate the universality of music, regardless of nationality. 

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