Musician's Wellness
Important Health and Safety Information
Your well-being is of primary concern to the Department of Music
Music majors should recognize that there are potential health and safety risks associated with the study of music, including practicing, performance, teaching and listening. The Department of Music and its faculty take good faith measures to help students avoid injury with respect to hearing, vocal, musculoskeletal health and injury prevention, the operation of potentially dangerous materials, equipment, and technology, and other potential health/safety risks. These measures, however, cannot address every possible health risk. We encourage you to consult with your teachers if you are having problems or if you see a potential health hazard. Please do not hesitate to seek help for any health or safety issue. Some sources of help for various problems include:
- your vocal or instrumental applied instructor
- your academic advisor
- the Department Chair
- your regular doctor
- the UNM Health Center
- the Campus Police Department