Dr. Kristina Jacobsen releases a new album of co-writes with UNM Music Alunmi, Meredith Wilder. They will be performing two shows for the CD release of  “Elemental.”

March 30th, 2018
CD Release Show with Meredith Wilder for new album, “Elemental,” at Bookworks at 7:00pm
4022 Rio Grand Blvd, NW, Albuquerque, NM
with Special Guest Camille Grey (Copenhagen, Denmark)

March 31st, 2018
CD Release and Fundraiser for “Songs from the Rez,” with Meredith Wilder for new album, “Elemental,” at Tortuga Gallery at 7:30pm
901 Edith Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM
with Special Guest Chucki Begay and Ritchi Anderson, Jr. (Navajo Nation)

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UNMSO to perform Stravinsky’s ‘Rite of Spring’

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