A 90 minute, 4K, 7.1 surround sound eco-rockumentary concert of a day in the life of the Bosavi people and their rainforest home in Papua New Guinea, directed and produced by Steven Feld and based on recordings and images from 1976-2018. Produced in collaboration with Grateful Dead drummer Mickey Hart, and assembled with Skywalker Sound mixer Dennis Leonard, and filmmaker Jeremiah Richards. Q&A with filmmakers after the screening. Presented by the Society for Ethnomusicology., All ticket sales benefit the Bosavi Peoples Fund, advocating for social and environmental justice in one of the most remote parts of Papua New Guinea.

Albuquerque Museum of Natural History Dynatheatre, $10, 1:45p, Thursday November 15. Tickets available for purchase at the door. Please contact Regan Homeyer for additional details or questions: reganhomeyer@unm.edu.

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Music from the Americas Concert Series presents The Arditti Quartet

Music from the Americas Concert Series presents The Arditti Quartet

The Arditti Quartet has established itself as one of the world’s foremost chamber ensembles dedicated to contemporary music. It enjoys a world-wide reputation for their spirited and technically refined interpretations of contemporary and earlier 20th century music.

Heterophony: Texture, Technique, and Social Commentary

Heterophony: Texture, Technique, and Social Commentary

This lecture is in two parts: the first draws from my research on the 1960s jazz avant-garde and musicians’ interests in heterophonic musical textures. For the second part, I perform original music that utilizes heterophony and “noise” in a solo electronic and improvised format.

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