Musicology Colloquium Series
Sponsored by The University of New Mexico Department of Music & The Latin American and Iberian Institute


Latin American and Iberian Institute (LAII) Conference Room
Thursday September 12, 2019


Sones de allá para acá: Son Jarocho from Mexico to USA

Name of presenter: Doris Careaga Coleman

Talk Description:
Son Jarocho is a genre of traditional Mexican music performed in southern Veracruz that has gained prominence in Chicanx communities in the United States. In this talk we will analyze the origins, rhythms, musical forms, and dances both in Mexico and the United States.  


Dr. Doris Careaga Coleman teaches in the Department of Chicana Chicano Studies. In her academic courses she illuminates Afromexican literature, history, and culture. Her areas of research include son jarocho, culinary arts, and literature and theory related to Afromexican cultural studies. Dr. Careaga Coleman is the author of La Cocina Afromestiza en Veracruz (1995 (republished in 2004 and 2006)), La Cuenca del Papaloapan (1996), El Exótico Sabor de Veracruz (2000), and La Cocina Tradicional de Jalcomulco (2000 (republished in 2017)). Her most recent book is La culinaria afrodescendiente en Tamiahua: un discurso para iluminar a los afrodescendientes mexicanos (2018).


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Heterophony: Texture, Technique, and Social Commentary

Heterophony: Texture, Technique, and Social Commentary

This lecture is in two parts: the first draws from my research on the 1960s jazz avant-garde and musicians’ interests in heterophonic musical textures. For the second part, I perform original music that utilizes heterophony and “noise” in a solo electronic and improvised format.

The Gay West: From Drug Store Cowboys to Rodeo Queens

The Gay West: From Drug Store Cowboys to Rodeo Queens

The masculine ideal represented by the American cowboy is variously interpreted by spectators, dancers, musicians, and contestants at gay rodeos and country western dances across the U.S. Examining embodied gender practices within these communities, this talk articulates the sonic, social, and geographical spaces of the gay American West.

The Cruelty of Jazz: Toward a Hemispheric Politics of Sound

The Cruelty of Jazz: Toward a Hemispheric Politics of Sound

Rooted in concepts of affect and Empire, this paper argues that jazz operated in various 20th century Latin American settings as a vital touchstone bearing the risks and benefits of urban modernization, hemispheric geopolitics, and transnational cultural production, “cruelly” echoing the United States’ cultural, political, and economic dominance in the hemisphere and beyond. 

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