Dr. Kristina Jacobsen, Assistant Professor of Ethnomusicology in the UNM Department of Music, is awarded the 2018 Woody Guthrie Book Award for the most outstanding book in popular music by the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM-U.S.).
“Jacobsen’s study of the ways in which Diné, or Navajo, country music musicians and fans articulate their sense of belonging and identity through country music, a genre deemed incongruous with and even antagonistic to Navajo sensibilities, is a remarkable example of popular music scholarship. Jacobsen’s work is particularly timely as the racialization of indigeneity continues to erase indigenous presence from popular music and cultural production writ large. Jacobsen’s reflexive positioning as a non-Diné (white) scholar as well as a performing country musician in bands with Navajo musicians, Jacobsen provides a strong model for ethical and sensitive ethnographic work.”
2019 Prize Committee (Kevin Fellezs, Alexa Woloshyn, and Kate Galloway), Woody Guthrie Book Award.
Marchiando and Stojanovska to present “Soundscapes of Her,” music for trumpet and piano on KHFM, 95.5 FM “10 at 10” Series with Brent Stevens
Marchiando and Stojanovska to present “Soundscapes of Her,” music for trumpet and piano on KHFM, 95.5 FM “10 at 10” Series with Brent Stevens UNM Associate Professor of Trumpet, Dr. John Marchiando, and pianist Dr. Natasha Stojanovska will perform and chat about music...
Dr. Hurtado is the recipient of the 2024 “Mexicanos Distinguidos Award”
Dr. Hurtado is the recipient of the 2024 “Mexicanos Distinguidos Award” Every year, the Mexican Government, through the Foreign Ministry of Mexico, selects a handful of nationals from all over the world to receive the Distinguished Mexicans Award, which is given to...
Professor of Musicology and Ethnomusicology Dr. Ana Alonso-Minutti Distinguished Speaker at Prestigious Cátedra Jesús C. Romero
Professor of Musicology and Ethnomusicology Dr. Ana Alonso-Minutti Distinguished Speaker at Prestigious Cátedra Jesús C. Romero January 30, 20205 | By Melissa Ríos, UNM Musicology Graduate Student.From January 13–17, Dr. Ana R. Alonso-Minutti, associate professor of...